Release of Student Records

Student records, both academic and personal are confidential records that shall be released only to the appropriate faculty, administrative officials, and parents or guardians. Release of these records to other employees of the State University, prospective employees, government and legal agencies shall be allowed only upon the consent of the student or the graduate or upon an order of the court.

Release of Transcript of Records and Certificate of Honorable Dismissal


    1. A statement of honorable dismissal indicates that the student is free of all financial and property responsibility to the school, and he/she is not under the term of suspension and he/she is fully eligible for transfer.


     2. A Student is entitled to one copy of his/her transcript of records for purposes of transfer to other schools.  Another copy may be released when his/her first copy is lost or destroyed.  If it is later found, it should be returned to the State University.


     3. No request for the release of student’s scholastic record or certificate of any kind shall be honored unless the student concerned presents a properly accomplished clearance slip.  Academic records shall be released at least two(2) weeks from the date of request.


     4. Honorable dismissal and/or transcript of records applied for all the end of the academic year shall be granted not later than two weeks after the close of the academic year.


     5. A student who received an “Incomplete” (INC) grade shall apply for removal of such grade before seeking transfer to other schools.  After one year, any “Incomplete” (INC) grade that is not removed shall automatically become “Failure.”


     6. If a student withdraws after the mid-semester examination, he/she shall be given a grade of “5.00”, or Failure, unless it is an authorized withdrawal.