Office of International Affairs – Administered Programs
International Affairs Administered Programs
In order for JRMSU to be attuned in the internationalization/globalization landscape productively, the present dispensation through the Office of the International Affairs spearheads the following programs: Grants Instituted thru Friendships and Tie-ups (GIFTs), Cooperative/Creative Research Undertakings, Info-sharing and Systematic Enrichments (CRUISE), Lectures, International Fora and Travels (LIFT), Learn-Earn-Grow (LEG).
(Funding for this program shall be allocated by the university but subject to BOR approval; CHED; DOST and /or other similar government agencies, local and foreign)
(Gifts Instituted thru Friendships and Tie-ups)
The GIFTs (Grants Instituted thru Friendships and Tie-ups) program is support to undergraduate and postgraduate mobility. The sources of financial assistance are the partner universities/institutions/countries that shall assist qualified students through grants/aid, scholarship, stipendium and such other related gifts.
General Guidelines (GIFTS Program)
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be a bonafide JRMSU undergraduate student (all levels except freshmen), faculty pursuing a postgraduate degree.
- Must not have a grade below 85% or 2.0 in all of his/her courses.
- Must comply with the minimum requirement of the host/partner university/institutions/countries, e.g. Language Proficiency Level.
Documentary Requirements:
- Properly accomplished application form (prescribed format)
4 sets (1 original and 3 photocopies) of the following documents shall be submitted with the application:
- 1-page Curriculum Vitae
- Certified Transcript of Records/true copy of grades
- Certified Cumulative General Weighted Average Computation
- Letter of Acceptance from the host/partner university/institution/country
- Letters of References from previous/current professor
- Approved Study Plan (list of courses the student will take at the potential host university/institution approved by the academic adviser
- Letter of Consent (Informed Consent) and Waiver from Parent/Guardian (attach proof as legal guardian
- Certification of Program Chair/Dean on relevance of the short-term training. (for degree related training)
(Cooperative/Creative Research Undertakings, Info-sharing and Systematic Enrichment)
The CRUISE (Cooperative/Creative Research Undertakings, Info-sharing and Systematic Enrichment) program is designed to promote development of research/creative manpower, increase productivity and empower faculty and administrative personnel through training within and across borders.
(Funding of this program shall be allocated by the university but subject to BOR approval; CHED; DOST and/or other similar government agencies, local and foreign)
General Guidelines (CRUISE Program)
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be a tenured faculty/employee of the university and/or those who have at least served three years in any of the campuses of the JRMSU System.
- Must be at least a Master’s degree graduate/holder.
- Must have an updated License Card (faculty), professional eligibility (administrative staff) and other similar license relevant to his/her academic degree.
Documentary Requirements:
- 2 sets (1 original and 1 photocopy) of the following documents shall be submitted with the application
- 1-2-page Curriculum Vitae
- Invitation letters from host university/institution/country
- Detailed work plan/program of activities
- Budget
- Transportation Expenses
a.1. Round trip Economy Air ticket (inclusive of travel tax)
- 2. Land Transportation (local and in host country), include airport transfers
- Visa Fee
- Travel and Health Insurance
- Accommodation
- Food Allowance/subsistence allowance subject to UNDP rates
5. Proof indicating that paper presented in the conference will be published in journals that are indexed by ELSEVIER SCOPUS/ASEAN Citation Index (ACI).
The LIFT (Lectures, International Fora and Travels) program aims to support visiting professors as well as outbound JRMSU professors who are invited to share their expertise as resource speakers, lecturers and advisers; support the attendance of eligible faculty and administrative personnel to International conferences program either as research presenters or participants in order to bolster/strengthen partnership and cooperation; support bench marking with partner universities/institutions in order to replicate best practices to ensure quality planning, programs and services.
(Funding for this program shall be allocated by the university but subject to BOR approval; CHED; DOST and/or other similar government agencies , local and foreign)
General Guidelines (LIFT Program)
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be a tenured faculty/employee of the university or one who has served for three years in any campuses in the JRMSU System.
Documentary Requirements:
Applications must be ideally submitted 3 months before the proposed travel. The Office of the International Affairs will process the application immediately based on merit and availability of funds.
- The following documents must be submitted with the application form:
- Abstract of the paper (for faculty/researcher, include the citation of a recent research in an ISI-listed publication or its equivalent)
- Proof indicating that paper presented in the conference will be published in journals that are indexed by ELSEVIER SCOPUS/ASEAN Citation Index (ACI)
- Applicant’s 2-page Curriculum Vitae
- Official Invitation or Acceptance letter from the conference which indicates the title of the invited lecture or accepted paper and a copy of the programme.
- Information about the conference
e.g. Conference Announcement
History and Track Record (i.e. how many years has the conference been on going)
Board Members
- Recommendation letters from the administration/system dean approved by the President
- Details of Funding
- g Amount, Coverage, Proposed Utilization
- Approval of the BOR
LEG – LEARN-EARN-GROW: A Career Launcher Program
LEG – a program that prepares graduating students and new graduates from beginner to entry-
level job ready. It combines a career – oriented curriculum and relevant work experience
in order to gain a competitive advantage in today’s evolving economy. This is also a tran-
sitory program that helps connect and bridge JRMSU students and graduates with potential employers, institutions, industries that are hiring entry – level.
The LEG program will enable employers to have an edge in finding qualified job candidates through effective screening, selection and recruitment techniques.
Working Definition :
Learn: in-depth mastery of concepts by integrating classroom studies with learning
through productive work experience in a field related to a student’s academic and
career goals;
- job specific skills, improve creative thinking and receive academic credit;
- relevant/meaningful work experience for the students, directly linked with his/her major or academic program;
- to interact with second practitioners in their line of expertise;
- work ethics and communication skills needed to make the transition to the workplace.
Earn: value-added skills in an area of interest and in planning and organization of a re-
lated service or community activity;
- unit credits/ credentials to validate academic training;
- certification for successfully meeting requirements in a particular subject area such as
an apprenticeship program;
- financial assistance; earn a decent living;
Grow: stronger resumes to present to prospective employers when students/graduates
embark on a career;
-by keeping –up- to-date with the latest thru training;
– by receiving more job offers, getting hired quickly, being paid higher starting
- by increasing competitiveness in the turbulent work environment, particularly for low-
income- or under-skilled graduates/alumni who seek better jobs, a better standard
of living and a potential career success;
- professionally by continuously acquiring new knowledge and skills that relate to one’s profession, job responsibilities, or work environment;
- by maintaining trained, informed, and motivated students/graduates.
Note: Documentary requirements will conform with the partners’ requirements; A specific IRR will be implemented depending on the academic program/s involved in LEG.