RDE Organization & Administration
The Research Development and Extension Office shall be handled by the Vice President for Research Development and Extension. The unit is committed to primarily promote innovative processes and solutions in research translated to extension engagements. It is composed of the VP RDE, Director for Research, Director for Extension, Director for Knowledge, Innovation and Technology Support and Transfer, Innovation Support and Intellectual Property Officer, Technology Business Incubation Team, Director for Linkages and Networking, Director for Gender and Development, Research Unit Heads, Extension Unit Heads, Research Chairpersons, Extension Chairpersons, Research Ethics Committee, Fabrication Laboratory Manager, faculty, and student researchers.

Council for Research Development and Extension (CoRDEx)
The Council for Research Development and Extension (CoRDEx) is primarily tasked to formulate, implement, and evaluate RDE policies and standards. The council spearheads in the formulation of the research, development, and extension agenda and reviews the policies and guidelines governing research, development, and extension affairs such as research dissemination, technology transfer, linkages and networking, intellectual property rights, student and faculty research, research ethics. The council accepts proposals partially reviewed at the campus level every first quarter and fourth quarter of the year. These proposals will then be reviewed by the experts of the field. Polished proposals will be recommended for the RDE In-house review. Focus of study should be in line with the field of specialization of the primary investigator (P.I.). The number of proponents per project will depend on the extent of the objectives.
RDE In-house Review
The CoRDEx conducts an in-house review every second quarter of the year. For a completed paper to be accepted for presentation in the RDE in-house review, it must follow the RDE core processes and be endorsed by the Unit Head with the exceptions on the following:
- Thesis papers. A copy of the approval sheet must be attached, this goes for both undergraduate and graduate.
- Collaborative research papers. Proof of collaboration must be presented such as MOA/MOU and/or trail of conversations or email. There must also be a written proof of the conceptualization of the study or partnership that shows intellectual contribution of JRMSU authors, not monetary.
- Independent researches of faculty members whose previous research projects have been published in reputable journals (i.e. Scopus, Web of Science, ASEAN citation index) or have been utilized as primary basis for policies or laws with at least a regional scope.